In the case of a non - official justice of the peace , that appointment had been made under section 3 and had become effective ; or 如属非官守太平绅士,犹如该项委任是根据第3 1 b条作出并已生效一样或
In the case of a non - official justice of the peace , that appointment had been made under section 3 ( 1 ) ( b ) and had become effective ; or 如属非官守太平绅士,犹如该项委任是根据第3 ( 1 ) ( b )条作出并已生效一样;或
Means a person appointed to be a non - official justice of the peace by the governor prior to the commencement of this ordinance “官守太平绅士” ( officialjusticeofthepeace )指在本条例生效日期前获总督委任为官守太平绅士的人;